#!/usr/bin/env python |
# coding: utf-8 |
import math |
import queue |
import re |
import sys |
from PySide6.QtCore import Qt, QByteArray |
from PySide6.QtGui import QIcon, QPixmap |
from PySide6.QtWidgets import ( |
QApplication, |
QGridLayout, |
QLayout, |
QLCDNumber, |
QPushButton, |
QSizePolicy, |
QWidget, |
) |
class Calculator(QWidget): |
# Key Layout |
keys_info = [ |
{"label": "C", "x": 0, "y": 1, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Cls", "method": "on_clear"}, |
{"label": "√", "x": 1, "y": 1, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Fnc", "method": "on_function"}, |
{"label": "±", "x": 2, "y": 1, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Fnc", "method": "on_function"}, |
{"label": "÷", "x": 3, "y": 1, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Ope", "method": "on_operation"}, |
{"label": "7", "x": 0, "y": 2, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Key", "method": "on_number"}, |
{"label": "8", "x": 1, "y": 2, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Key", "method": "on_number"}, |
{"label": "9", "x": 2, "y": 2, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Key", "method": "on_number"}, |
{"label": "×", "x": 3, "y": 2, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Ope", "method": "on_operation"}, |
{"label": "4", "x": 0, "y": 3, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Key", "method": "on_number"}, |
{"label": "5", "x": 1, "y": 3, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Key", "method": "on_number"}, |
{"label": "6", "x": 2, "y": 3, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Key", "method": "on_number"}, |
{"label": "−", "x": 3, "y": 3, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Ope", "method": "on_operation"}, |
{"label": "1", "x": 0, "y": 4, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Key", "method": "on_number"}, |
{"label": "2", "x": 1, "y": 4, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Key", "method": "on_number"}, |
{"label": "3", "x": 2, "y": 4, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Key", "method": "on_number"}, |
{"label": "+", "x": 3, "y": 4, "w": 1, "h": 2, "name": "Ope", "method": "on_operation"}, |
{"label": "0", "x": 0, "y": 5, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Key", "method": "on_number"}, |
{"label": "・", "x": 1, "y": 5, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Key", "method": "on_dot"}, |
{"label": "=", "x": 2, "y": 5, "w": 1, "h": 1, "name": "Ope", "method": "on_equal"}, |
] |
# max length |
max_chars = 12 |
# operation flag |
flag_dot = False |
flag_operation = False |
flag_error = False |
# register for calculation |
reg = queue.Queue() |
# regular expression |
re1 = re.compile("([\-0-9]+)\.$") |
re2 = re.compile("([\-0-9]+\.)0$") |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.init_ui() |
self.setWindowTitle('Calculator') |
self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(self.get_app_pixmap())) |
self.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowMinimizeButtonHint | Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint) |
def init_ui(self): |
grid = QGridLayout() |
grid.setHorizontalSpacing(2) |
grid.setVerticalSpacing(2) |
# Reference |
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16673074/how-can-i-fully-disable-resizing-a-window-including-the-resize-icon-when-the-mou |
grid.setSizeConstraint(QLayout.SetFixedSize) |
self.setLayout(grid) |
# This is register |
self.ent = Register() |
# This is display value of register |
self.lcd = QLCDNumber(self) |
self.lcd.setDigitCount(self.max_chars + 2) |
self.lcd.setSmallDecimalPoint(True) |
self.lcd.display(self.ent.get_text()) |
# self.lcd.setStyleSheet("QLCDNumber {background-color:darkgreen; color:yellow;}") |
self.lcd.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) |
grid.addWidget(self.lcd, 0, 0, 1, 4) |
grid.setRowMinimumHeight(0, 40) |
for key in self.keys_info: |
but = QPushButton(key['label']) |
method_name = key['method'] |
method = getattr(self, method_name) |
but.clicked.connect(method) |
but.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {font-size:12pt; padding:5px 30px;}") |
but.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) |
grid.addWidget(but, key['y'], key['x'], key['h'], key['w']) |
def get_app_pixmap(self): |
base64data = b'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' |
byte_array = QByteArray.fromBase64(base64data) |
pixmap = QPixmap() |
pixmap.loadFromData(byte_array) |
return pixmap |
def get_display_string(self, value): |
""" |
get_display_string |
Argument |
value : value to display |
Return |
string to display |
""" |
if self.flag_error: |
return value |
str_value = str(value) |
self.ent.set_text(str_value) |
m = pow(10.0, self.max_chars) |
value_int = int(value) |
if abs(value_int) > 0: |
value_int_length = int(math.log10(abs(value_int))) + 1 |
if value_int_length < self.max_chars: |
if abs(value - value_int) < 1 / m: |
str_value = str(value_int) |
else: |
str_value = str(int(value * m) / m) |
while len(str_value) > self.max_chars: |
m = m / 10 |
str_value = str(int(value * m) / m) |
else: |
str_value = '{:.3e}'.format(value) |
else: |
if value < 1 / m: |
str_value = '{:.3e}'.format(value) |
else: |
str_value = str(int(value * m) / m) |
result = self.re2.match(str_value) |
if result: |
str_value = result.group(1) |
return str_value |
return str_value |
def get_function_result(self, text, value): |
""" |
get_function_result |
Arguments |
text : function operator |
value : value of function parameter |
Return |
value calculated specified function |
""" |
# sign |
if text == "±": |
return value * -1 |
# square root |
if text == "√": |
try: |
return math.sqrt(value) |
except Exception as e: |
self.flag_error = True |
# return e |
return "Error" |
def get_operator(self, text): |
""" |
get_operator |
Argument |
text : label string of calculator key pad |
Return |
operator string |
""" |
if text == "+": |
return "+" |
if text == "−": |
return "-" |
if text == "×": |
return "*" |
if text == "÷": |
return "/" |
def set_display(self, text): |
""" |
set_display |
Argument |
text : string to display |
""" |
self.lcd.display(text) |
def zenkaku_to_hankaku(self, text): |
""" |
zenkaku_to_hankaku |
Argument |
text : zenkaku string |
Return |
hankaku (ascii) string |
""" |
# ref: https://qiita.com/YuukiMiyoshi/items/6ce77bf402a29a99f1bf |
return text.translate(str.maketrans({chr(0xFF01 + i): chr(0x21 + i) for i in range(94)})) |
# ========================================================================= |
# ========================================================================= |
def on_clear(self): |
""" |
on_clear |
""" |
# display |
self.ent.init() |
self.set_display(self.ent.get_text()) |
# clear flag |
self.flag_dot = False |
self.flag_operation = False |
self.flag_error = False |
def on_dot(self): |
""" |
on_dot |
""" |
if self.flag_error: |
return |
# flag |
self.flag_dot = True |
def on_equal(self): |
""" |
on_equal |
""" |
if self.flag_error: |
return |
expr = "" |
while not self.reg.empty(): |
expr += self.reg.get() |
expr += self.ent.get_text() |
try: |
result = eval(expr) |
except Exception as e: |
self.flag_error = True |
# result = e |
result = "Error" |
disp_new = self.get_display_string(result) |
# display |
self.set_display(disp_new) |
# flag |
self.flag_operation = True |
def on_function(self): |
""" |
on_function |
""" |
button = self.sender() |
if self.flag_error: |
return |
# get current value displayed |
value_current = float(self.ent.get_text()) |
# get string from key label |
text = button.text() |
value_new = self.get_function_result(text, value_current) |
disp_new = self.get_display_string(value_new) |
# display |
self.set_display(disp_new) |
# flag |
self.flag_operation = True |
def on_operation(self): |
""" |
on_operation |
""" |
button = self.sender() |
if self.flag_error: |
return |
# get current string displayed |
disp_current = self.ent.get_text() |
self.reg.put(disp_current) |
# get string from key label |
text = button.text() |
self.reg.put(self.get_operator(text)) |
# flag |
self.flag_operation = True |
self.flag_dot = False |
def on_number(self): |
""" |
on_number |
""" |
button = self.sender() |
if self.flag_error: |
return |
# get current string displayed |
disp_current = self.ent.get_text() |
# get string from key label |
text = button.text() |
text_ascii = self.zenkaku_to_hankaku(text) |
# update string to display |
if self.flag_operation: |
disp_new = text_ascii + "." |
self.flag_operation = False |
else: |
if disp_current == "0.": |
if self.flag_dot: |
disp_new = disp_current + text_ascii |
else: |
disp_new = text_ascii + "." |
else: |
# check charcter length (digit) |
if len(disp_current) > self.max_chars: |
return |
if self.flag_dot: |
disp_new = disp_current + text_ascii |
else: |
result = self.re1.match(disp_current) |
if result: |
disp_new = result.group(1) + text_ascii + "." |
else: |
disp_new = disp_current + text_ascii |
self.ent.set_text(disp_new) |
self.set_display(disp_new) |
class Register(): |
text = None |
def __init__(self): |
self.init() |
def init(self): |
self.text = '0.' |
def get_text(self): |
return (self.text) |
def set_text(self, str): |
self.text = str |
def main(): |
app = QApplication(sys.argv) |
calc = Calculator() |
calc.show() |
sys.exit(app.exec()) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
main() |