JavaFX のチャートを使いこなせるようになりたいと、いくつかチャートのサンプルを紹介してきましたが、前回は、LineChart クラスを継承した MyChart1 を紹介しました。今回はさらに話を進めて、XYChart から継承したサンプルを紹介します。
と言っても自分自身のオリジナルサンプルではなく、Oracle の JavaFX のサンプル(参考サイト [1])にある CandleStickeChart クラス(右図)です。
なお Candlestick Chart は、日本語ではローソク足チャートと呼ばれていて、株価などの相場の値動きを時系列に沿った図表を表す時の手法の一つです。
- OS: Fedora 22 x86_64
- jdk1.8.0_51-1.8.0_51-fcs.x86_64 (Oracle)
- IDE: NetBeans IDE 8.0.2
なお、今回紹介するサンプルは、少し手を加えてはあるものの、Oracle が配布しているサンプルほぼそのままです。この記事の全てのサンプルの配布は以下のライセンスに従っています。
Copyright (c) 2008, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. This file is available and licensed under the following license: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- Neither the name of Oracle Corporation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
CandleStickChart クラス
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import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javafx.animation.FadeTransition; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.chart.Axis; import javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis; import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart; import javafx.scene.shape.LineTo; import javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo; import javafx.scene.shape.Path; import javafx.util.Duration; /** * A candlestick chart is a style of bar-chart used primarily to describe price * movements of a security, derivative, or currency over time. * * The Data Y value is used for the opening price and then the close, high and * low values are stored in the Data's extra value property using a * CandleStickExtraValues object. */ public class CandleStickChart extends XYChart<Number, Number> { // -------------- CONSTRUCTORS ---------------------------------------------- /** * Construct a new CandleStickChart with the given axis. * * @param xAxis The x axis to use * @param yAxis The y axis to use */ public CandleStickChart(Axis<Number> xAxis, Axis<Number> yAxis) { super (xAxis, yAxis); getStylesheets().add(getClass().getResource( "CandleStickChart.css" ).toExternalForm()); setAnimated( false ); xAxis.setAnimated( false ); yAxis.setAnimated( false ); } /** * Construct a new CandleStickChart with the given axis and data. * * @param xAxis The x axis to use * @param yAxis The y axis to use * @param data The data to use, this is the actual list used so any changes * to it will be reflected in the chart */ public CandleStickChart(Axis<Number> xAxis, Axis<Number> yAxis, ObservableList<XYChart.Series<Number, Number>> data) { this (xAxis, yAxis); setData(data); } // -------------- METHODS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Called to update and layout the content for the plot */ @Override protected void layoutPlotChildren() { // we have nothing to layout if no data is present if (getData() == null ) { return ; } // update candle positions for ( int seriesIndex = 0 ; seriesIndex < getData().size(); seriesIndex++) { XYChart.Series<Number, Number> series = getData().get(seriesIndex); Iterator<XYChart.Data<Number, Number>> iter = getDisplayedDataIterator(series); Path seriesPath = null ; if (series.getNode() instanceof Path) { seriesPath = (Path) series.getNode(); seriesPath.getElements().clear(); } while (iter.hasNext()) { XYChart.Data<Number, Number> item =; double x = getXAxis().getDisplayPosition(getCurrentDisplayedXValue(item)); double y = getYAxis().getDisplayPosition(getCurrentDisplayedYValue(item)); Node itemNode = item.getNode(); CandleStickExtraValues extra = (CandleStickExtraValues) item.getExtraValue(); if (itemNode instanceof Candle && extra != null ) { Candle candle = (Candle) itemNode; double close = getYAxis().getDisplayPosition(extra.getClose()); double high = getYAxis().getDisplayPosition(extra.getHigh()); double low = getYAxis().getDisplayPosition(extra.getLow()); // calculate candle width double candleWidth = - 1 ; if (getXAxis() instanceof NumberAxis) { NumberAxis xa = (NumberAxis) getXAxis(); candleWidth = xa.getDisplayPosition(xa.getTickUnit()) * 0.90 ; // use 90% width between ticks } // update candle candle.update(close - y, high - y, low - y, candleWidth); candle.updateTooltip(item.getYValue().doubleValue(), extra.getClose(), extra.getHigh(), extra.getLow()); // position the candle candle.setLayoutX(x); candle.setLayoutY(y); } if (seriesPath != null ) { if (seriesPath.getElements().isEmpty()) { seriesPath.getElements().add( new MoveTo(x, getYAxis().getDisplayPosition(extra.getAverage()))); } else { seriesPath.getElements().add( new LineTo(x, getYAxis().getDisplayPosition(extra.getAverage()))); } } } } } @Override protected void dataItemChanged(XYChart.Data<Number, Number> item) { } @Override protected void dataItemAdded(XYChart.Series<Number, Number> series, int itemIndex, XYChart.Data<Number, Number> item) { Node candle = createCandle(getData().indexOf(series), item, itemIndex); if (shouldAnimate()) { candle.setOpacity( 0 ); getPlotChildren().add(candle); // fade in new candle FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis( 500 ), candle); ft.setToValue( 1 );; } else { getPlotChildren().add(candle); } // always draw average line on top if (series.getNode() != null ) { series.getNode().toFront(); } } @Override protected void dataItemRemoved(XYChart.Data<Number, Number> item, XYChart.Series<Number, Number> series) { final Node candle = item.getNode(); if (shouldAnimate()) { // fade out old candle FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis( 500 ), candle); ft.setToValue( 0 ); ft.setOnFinished((ActionEvent actionEvent) -> { getPlotChildren().remove(candle); });; } else { getPlotChildren().remove(candle); } } @Override protected void seriesAdded(XYChart.Series<Number, Number> series, int seriesIndex) { // handle any data already in series for ( int j = 0 ; j < series.getData().size(); j++) { XYChart.Data item = series.getData().get(j); Node candle = createCandle(seriesIndex, item, j); if (shouldAnimate()) { candle.setOpacity( 0 ); getPlotChildren().add(candle); // fade in new candle FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis( 500 ), candle); ft.setToValue( 1 );; } else { getPlotChildren().add(candle); } } // create series path Path seriesPath = new Path(); seriesPath.getStyleClass().setAll( "candlestick-average-line" , "series" + seriesIndex); series.setNode(seriesPath); getPlotChildren().add(seriesPath); } @Override protected void seriesRemoved(XYChart.Series<Number, Number> series) { // remove all candle nodes series.getData().stream().map((d) -> d.getNode()).forEach((candle) -> { if (shouldAnimate()) { // fade out old candle FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis( 500 ), candle); ft.setToValue( 0 ); ft.setOnFinished((ActionEvent actionEvent) -> { getPlotChildren().remove(candle); });; } else { getPlotChildren().remove(candle); } }); } /** * Create a new Candle node to represent a single data item * * @param seriesIndex The index of the series the data item is in * @param item The data item to create node for * @param itemIndex The index of the data item in the series * @return New candle node to represent the give data item */ private Node createCandle( int seriesIndex, final XYChart.Data item, int itemIndex) { Node candle = item.getNode(); // check if candle has already been created if (candle instanceof Candle) { ((Candle) candle).setSeriesAndDataStyleClasses( "series" + seriesIndex, "data" + itemIndex); } else { candle = new Candle( "series" + seriesIndex, "data" + itemIndex); item.setNode(candle); } return candle; } /** * This is called when the range has been invalidated and we need to update * it. If the axis are auto ranging then we compile a list of all data that * the given axis has to plot and call invalidateRange() on the axis passing * it that data. */ @Override protected void updateAxisRange() { // For candle stick chart we need to override this method as we need to let the axis know that they need to be able // to cover the whole area occupied by the high to low range not just its center data value final Axis<Number> xa = getXAxis(); final Axis<Number> ya = getYAxis(); List<Number> xData = null ; List<Number> yData = null ; if (xa.isAutoRanging()) { xData = new ArrayList<>(); } if (ya.isAutoRanging()) { yData = new ArrayList<>(); } if (xData != null || yData != null ) { for (XYChart.Series<Number, Number> series : getData()) { for (XYChart.Data<Number, Number> data : series.getData()) { if (xData != null ) { xData.add(data.getXValue()); } if (yData != null ) { CandleStickExtraValues extras = (CandleStickExtraValues) data.getExtraValue(); if (extras != null ) { yData.add(extras.getHigh()); yData.add(extras.getLow()); } else { yData.add(data.getYValue()); } } } } if (xData != null ) { xa.invalidateRange(xData); } if (yData != null ) { ya.invalidateRange(yData); } } } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 | package candlestickchart; import javafx.scene.Group; import javafx.scene.control.Tooltip; import javafx.scene.layout.Region; import javafx.scene.shape.Line; /** Candle node used for drawing a candle */ public class Candle extends Group { private final Line highLowLine = new Line(); private final Region bar = new Region(); private String seriesStyleClass; private String dataStyleClass; private boolean openAboveClose = true ; private final Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(); Candle(String seriesStyleClass, String dataStyleClass) { setAutoSizeChildren( false ); getChildren().addAll(highLowLine, bar); this .seriesStyleClass = seriesStyleClass; this .dataStyleClass = dataStyleClass; updateStyleClasses(); tooltip.setGraphic( new TooltipContent()); Tooltip.install(bar, tooltip); } public void setSeriesAndDataStyleClasses(String seriesStyleClass, String dataStyleClass) { this .seriesStyleClass = seriesStyleClass; this .dataStyleClass = dataStyleClass; updateStyleClasses(); } public void update( double closeOffset, double highOffset, double lowOffset, double candleWidth) { openAboveClose = closeOffset > 0 ; updateStyleClasses(); highLowLine.setStartY(highOffset); highLowLine.setEndY(lowOffset); if (candleWidth == - 1 ) { candleWidth = bar.prefWidth(- 1 ); } if (openAboveClose) { bar.resizeRelocate(-candleWidth / 2 , 0 , candleWidth, closeOffset); } else { bar.resizeRelocate(-candleWidth / 2 , closeOffset, candleWidth, closeOffset * - 1 ); } } public void updateTooltip( double open, double close, double high, double low) { TooltipContent tooltipContent = (TooltipContent) tooltip.getGraphic(); tooltipContent.update(open, close, high, low); } private void updateStyleClasses() { getStyleClass().setAll( "candlestick-candle" , seriesStyleClass, dataStyleClass); highLowLine.getStyleClass().setAll( "candlestick-line" , seriesStyleClass, dataStyleClass, openAboveClose ? "open-above-close" : "close-above-open" ); bar.getStyleClass().setAll( "candlestick-bar" , seriesStyleClass, dataStyleClass, openAboveClose ? "open-above-close" : "close-above-open" ); } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | package candlestickchart; /** Data extra values for storing close, high and low. */ public class CandleStickExtraValues { private final double close; private final double high; private final double low; private final double average; public CandleStickExtraValues( double close, double high, double low, double average) { this .close = close; this .high = high; this .low = low; this .average = average; } public double getClose() { return close; } public double getHigh() { return high; } public double getLow() { return low; } public double getAverage() { return average; } @Override public String toString() { return "CandleStickExtraValues{" + "close=" + close + ", high=" + high + ", low=" + low + ", average=" + average + '}' ; } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 | package candlestickchart; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane; /** * The content for Candle tool tips */ public class TooltipContent extends GridPane { private final Label openValue = new Label(); private final Label closeValue = new Label(); private final Label highValue = new Label(); private final Label lowValue = new Label(); TooltipContent() { Label open = new Label( "始値:" ); Label close = new Label( "終値:" ); Label high = new Label( "高値:" ); Label low = new Label( "安値:" ); open.getStyleClass().add( "candlestick-tooltip-label" ); close.getStyleClass().add( "candlestick-tooltip-label" ); high.getStyleClass().add( "candlestick-tooltip-label" ); low.getStyleClass().add( "candlestick-tooltip-label" ); setConstraints(open, 0 , 0 ); setConstraints(openValue, 1 , 0 ); setConstraints(close, 0 , 1 ); setConstraints(closeValue, 1 , 1 ); setConstraints(high, 0 , 2 ); setConstraints(highValue, 1 , 2 ); setConstraints(low, 0 , 3 ); setConstraints(lowValue, 1 , 3 ); getChildren().addAll(open, openValue, close, closeValue, high, highValue, low, lowValue); } public void update( double open, double close, double high, double low) { openValue.setText(Double.toString(open)); closeValue.setText(Double.toString(close)); highValue.setText(Double.toString(high)); lowValue.setText(Double.toString(low)); } } |
CandleStickChart の CSS では、チャートの基本的なフォントサイズなどの修飾も追加してあります。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 | /* ====== CANDLE STICK CHART =========================================================== */ .candlestick-tooltip-label { -fx- font-size : 9pt ; -fx- font-weight : bold ; -fx-text-fill: white ; -fx- padding : 2 5 2 0 ; } .candlestick-average-line { -fx-stroke: #106ece ; -fx-stroke- width : 2px ; } .candlestick-candle { -fx-effect: dropshadow( two-pass-box , rgba( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.4 ) , 10 , 0.0 , 2 , 4 ); } .candlestick-line { -fx-stroke: gray ; -fx-stroke- width : 2px ; } .candlestick-bar { -fx- padding : 5 ; -candlestick-bar-fill: red ; -fx- background-color : linear-gradient(derive(-candlestick-bar-fill, -30% ), derive(-candlestick-bar-fill, -40% )), linear-gradient(derive(-candlestick-bar-fill, 100% ), derive(-candlestick-bar-fill, 10% )), linear-gradient(derive(-candlestick-bar-fill, 30% ), derive(-candlestick-bar-fill, -10% )); -fx-background-insets: 0 , 1 , 2 ; } .candlestick-bar.close-above-open { -candlestick-bar-fill: greenyellow; } { -candlestick-bar-fill: lightpink; } .chart { -fx- padding : 10px ; -fx- background-color : white ; } .chart-content { -fx- padding : 10px ; } .chart-title { -fx- font-size : 18pt ; } .axis-label { -fx- font-size : 14pt ; } .axis { -fx-tick-label- font : 12pt system; } |
CandleStickChart クラスを利用したサンプルを下記に紹介します。東証など日本の株式の履歴は、無料では長い期間を参照できなかったので、Yahoo Finance へアクセスして US の某社の株価データを使用しました。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 | package candlestickchart.sample; import candlestickchart.CandleStickChart; import candlestickchart.CandleStickExtraValues; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.scene.Parent; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis; import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart; import javafx.stage.Stage; public class CandleStickChartSample extends Application { // DAY, OPEN, CLOSE, HIGH, LOW, AVERAGE private static final double [][] data = new double [][]{ { 1 , 17.9 , 17.9 , 17.69 , 17.77 , 17.795 }, { 2 , 18.43 , 18.48 , 17.64 , 17.87 , 18.06 }, { 3 , 18.9 , 18.99 , 18.52 , 18.57 , 18.755 }, { 4 , 19.31 , 19.42 , 18.86 , 18.89 , 19.14 }, { 5 , 18.9 , 19.63 , 18.87 , 19.31 , 19.25 }, { 6 , 18.83 , 18.99 , 18.72 , 18.77 , 18.855 }, { 7 , 18.74 , 18.91 , 18.51 , 18.52 , 18.71 }, { 8 , 19 , 19.04 , 18.52 , 18.55 , 18.78 }, { 9 , 19.23 , 19.3 , 18.73 , 19.17 , 19.015 }, { 10 , 19.38 , 19.72 , 19.26 , 19.27 , 19.49 }, { 11 , 19.55 , 19.64 , 19.45 , 19.61 , 19.545 }, { 12 , 19.34 , 19.66 , 19.34 , 19.51 , 19.5 }, { 13 , 19.28 , 19.41 , 19.06 , 19.22 , 19.235 }, { 14 , 19.59 , 19.59 , 19.19 , 19.21 , 19.39 }, { 15 , 19.96 , 20.16 , 19.63 , 19.78 , 19.895 }, { 16 , 20.22 , 20.28 , 20.01 , 20.06 , 20.145 }, { 17 , 20.24 , 20.46 , 20.08 , 20.1 , 20.27 }, { 18 , 19.84 , 20.13 , 19.83 , 19.96 , 19.98 }, { 19 , 19.79 , 19.95 , 19.7 , 19.86 , 19.825 }, { 20 , 19.83 , 19.93 , 19.68 , 19.72 , 19.805 }, { 21 , 19.62 , 19.86 , 19.58 , 19.84 , 19.72 }, { 22 , 19.79 , 19.9 , 19.52 , 19.54 , 19.71 }, { 23 , 19.64 , 19.85 , 19.57 , 19.82 , 19.71 }, { 24 , 19.45 , 19.79 , 19.34 , 19.71 , 19.565 }, { 25 , 19.74 , 19.79 , 19.59 , 19.62 , 19.69 }, { 26 , 20.04 , 20.11 , 19.74 , 19.78 , 19.925 }, { 27 , 20 , 20.14 , 19.96 , 20.04 , 20.05 }, { 28 , 19.82 , 20.01 , 19.71 , 19.91 , 19.86 }, { 29 , 20.14 , 20.24 , 19.81 , 19.87 , 20.025 }, { 30 , 20.04 , 20.23 , 19.93 , 20.15 , 20.08 }, { 31 , 20.24 , 20.31 , 19.86 , 20.06 , 20.085 }, { 32 , 20.54 , 20.59 , 20.33 , 20.36 , 20.46 }, { 33 , 20.27 , 20.59 , 20.09 , 20.38 , 20.34 }, { 34 , 20.03 , 20.34 , 20.03 , 20.31 , 20.185 }, { 35 , 20.43 , 20.43 , 20.06 , 20.13 , 20.245 }, { 36 , 20.34 , 20.6 , 20.29 , 20.36 , 20.445 }, { 37 , 19.96 , 20.5 , 19.96 , 20.34 , 20.23 }, { 38 , 20.11 , 20.24 , 19.88 , 19.99 , 20.06 }, { 39 , 20.18 , 20.28 , 20.07 , 20.14 , 20.175 }, { 40 , 19.83 , 20.26 , 19.82 , 20.15 , 20.04 }, { 41 , 19.95 , 20.07 , 19.87 , 19.91 , 19.97 }, { 42 , 20.2 , 20.33 , 19.93 , 19.99 , 20.13 }, { 43 , 20.26 , 20.34 , 20.02 , 20.19 , 20.18 }, { 44 , 20.57 , 20.59 , 20.12 , 20.2 , 20.355 }, { 45 , 20.03 , 20.1 , 19.79 , 19.86 , 19.945 }, { 46 , 19.95 , 20.04 , 19.78 , 19.93 , 19.91 }, { 47 , 19.91 , 19.99 , 19.78 , 19.89 , 19.885 }, { 48 , 19.8 , 19.96 , 19.73 , 19.92 , 19.845 }, { 49 , 19.78 , 19.85 , 19.65 , 19.69 , 19.75 }, { 50 , 19.21 , 19.67 , 19.2 , 19.56 , 19.435 }, { 51 , 19.45 , 19.56 , 19.17 , 19.45 , 19.365 }, { 52 , 19.77 , 19.84 , 19.32 , 19.36 , 19.58 }, { 53 , 19.98 , 20.08 , 19.86 , 19.88 , 19.97 }, { 54 , 19.93 , 20.11 , 19.82 , 19.98 , 19.965 }, { 55 , 19.92 , 19.92 , 19.65 , 19.79 , 19.785 }, { 56 , 19.95 , 20.01 , 19.63 , 20.01 , 19.82 }, { 57 , 20.13 , 20.49 , 19.99 , 20.04 , 20.24 }, { 58 , 20.53 , 20.55 , 19.64 , 19.97 , 20.095 }, { 59 , 22.27 , 22.35 , 21.75 , 21.8 , 22.05 }, { 60 , 22.14 , 22.24 , 21.95 , 22.17 , 22.095 }, { 61 , 22.26 , 22.42 , 22.01 , 22.31 , 22.215 }, { 62 , 22.27 , 22.67 , 22.06 , 22.29 , 22.365 }, { 63 , 21.71 , 21.93 , 21.68 , 21.76 , 21.805 }, { 64 , 21.7 , 21.76 , 21.37 , 21.49 , 21.565 }, { 65 , 22.2 , 22.22 , 21.71 , 21.88 , 21.965 }, { 66 , 22.06 , 22.71 , 22.05 , 22.55 , 22.38 } }; private CandleStickChart chart; private NumberAxis xAxis; private NumberAxis yAxis; public Parent createContent() { xAxis = new NumberAxis( 0 , 67 , 1 ); xAxis.setMinorTickCount( 0 ); yAxis = new NumberAxis( 17 , 23 , 1 ); chart = new CandleStickChart(xAxis, yAxis); chart.setTitle( "ローソク足チャートのサンプル" ); // setup chart xAxis.setLabel( "日付(順序)" ); yAxis.setLabel( "株価 (USD)" ); // add starting data XYChart.Series<Number, Number> series = new XYChart.Series<>(); for ( double [] day : data) { series.getData().add( new XYChart.Data<>(day[ 0 ], day[ 5 ], new CandleStickExtraValues(day[ 1 ], day[ 2 ], day[ 3 ], day[ 4 ]))); } ObservableList<XYChart.Series<Number, Number>> stockData = chart.getData(); if (stockData == null ) { stockData = FXCollections.observableArrayList(series); chart.setData(stockData); } else { chart.getData().add(series); } return chart; } @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception { Scene scene = new Scene(createContent(), 600 , 400 ); primaryStage.setScene(scene);; } /** * Java main for when running without JavaFX launcher * * @param args command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } } |
ローソク足チャートは、XYChart を継承して、カスタマイズしたチャートを作成したい時に大いに参考となるサンプルですが、このサンプルをちょっと変更するだけでも使い道がありそうです。例えば、エラーバーをトレンドチャートに追加するときや、ボックスプロットのトレンドを作成するときなどです。