なんと、Tcl/Tk を考案した John K. Ousterhout 氏までもが Tcl コアチームを離れるようです。その他に D. Richard Hipp, Jim Ingham, Brent Welch の各氏もチームから外れます。一方で Daniel Steffen 氏がチームに加わります。
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 17:11:44 -0500
From: Kevin Kenny <kennykb at acm.org>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.tcl
To: Tcl Core List
Subject: [TCLCORE] TCL CORE TEAM ANNOUNCES: John Ousterhout retires from Tcl Core Team
WHEREAS, John K. Ousterhout advises the Tcl Core Team that, in his
opinion, he has not made a significant contribution to Tcl in the last
five years; and further
WHEREAS, Dr. Ousterhout further advises the team that he is confident
that Tcl and the Tk toolkit are in good hands with the current Tcl
Core Team; and further
WHEREAS, Dr. Ousterhout further advises the team that he wishes to be
accounted a Tcl Core Team member emeritus; and further
WHEREAS, it is impossible to give an adequate account of
Dr. Ousterhout's accomplishments as the true "father of Tcl/Tk:" from
overseeing its initial construction in the laboratories at Berkeley,
through overseeing its publicity and recruiting community development,
through its period of commercial development at Sun, Scriptics, and
Ajuba, into the community-maintained system that it is today:
activities for which he richly deserved the ACM Software System Award
that the Association for Computing Machinery granted him in 1997, his
induction as a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery in
1994, and his membership in the National Academy of Engineering; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Ousterhout is mentioned by name in the fundamental
documents (TIP #0 and TIP #2) defining the Tcl Core Team, and accorded
especial privileges as "Benevolent Dictator" with the ability to
resolve any deadlocks by executive fiat; and further
WHEREAS, the "Benevolent Dictator Clause" has been long regarded by
the Tcl Core Team as an important "safety valve" in its process; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Ousterhout's departure will necessitate reonsideration of
that element of the Tcl Core Team's charter;
RESOLVED, that the Tcl Core Team accepts with the profoundest regret
the resignation of Dr. John K. Ousterhout from its ranks, and offers
him heartfelt thanks and admiration for his many years of tireless
service; and be it further
RESOLVED, that Dr. John K. Ousterhout shall be designated
a title that can be rightfully applied only to him; and further be it
RESOLVED, that the Tcl Core Team do at once commit to a Committee of
the Whole to propose appropriate Amendments to its Constitution and
By-Laws (as set forth in Tcl Improvement Proposals #0 and #2), and
that said Committee of the Whole shall rise and report at such time as
it shall find convenient, but in any event no later than 31 January
DONE, this fifteenth day of December, 2008
For the Tcl Core Team
Mo DeJong
Joe English
Donal K. Fellows
Jeffrey Hobbs
George A. Howlett
Kevin B. Kenny
Andreas Kupries
Karl Lehenbauer
Jan Nijtmans
John K. Ousterhout, founder and member emeritus
Donald G. Porter
Miguel Sofer
Daniel A. Steffen
Tcl-Core mailing list
Tcl-Core at lists.sourceforge.net
[1] TCL CORE TEAM ANNOUNCES: Daniel Steffen named to Tcl Core Team.
[2] TCL CORE TEAM ANNOUNCES: Harrison, Hopp, Ingham, Welch leave Tcl Core Team
[3] TCL CORE TEAM ANNOUNCES: John Ousterhout retires from Tcl Core Team
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