3月28日付けで、Tcl/Tk 8.5.2 がリリースされました。
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 10:23:23 -0400
From: dgp at nist.gov
To: tcl-core at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [TCLCORE] Tcl/Tk 8.5.2 RELEASED
Tcl/Tk 8.5.2 Release Announcement
March 28, 2008
The Tcl Core Team is pleased to announce the 8.5.2 releases of the Tcl
dynamic language and the Tk toolkit. This is the second patch release
of Tcl/Tk 8.5. More details can be found below. We would like to
express our gratitude to all those who submit bug reports and patches.
This information is invaluable in enabling us to identify and eliminate
problems in the core.
Where to get the new releases:
Tcl/Tk 8.5.2 sources are freely available as open source from the
Tcl Developer Xchange web site at:
This web page also contains additional information about the releases,
including new features and notes about installing and compiling the
releases. Sources are always available from the Tcl SourceForge
project's file distribution area:
Binaries for most major platforms are available from:
For additional information:
Please visit the Tcl Developer Xchange web site:
This site contains a variety of information about Tcl/Tk in general, the
core Tcl and Tk distributions, Tcl development tools, and much more.
Summary of Changes since Tcl/Tk 8.5.1:
The following were the main changes in Tcl/Tk 8.5.2. A complete list
can be found in the changes file at the root of the source tree. The
more complete ChangeLog is also included with each source release. This
is a patch release, so it primarily included bug fixes and corrections
to erratic behavior. Below are only the most notable changes.
* New version 2.7 of http package:
- [http::meta] command
- [http::geturl] options: -myaddr -keepalive -protocol -strict -method
- chunked transfer encoding support
* Tcl Modules defined to use the utf-8 encoding *only*.
*** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY for any existing Tcl Modules written
in encodings not compatible with utf-8 ***
* Improved refcount usability for Tcl_SetReturnOptions() and
*** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY for existing callers ***
* Corrections to the Ttk_* interfaces to support stub-enabled callers.
* Exposed Tcl_GetMemoryInfo() for AOLserver.
* Fixed regexps ending in \*.
* Made [::safe::loadTk] work again.
* Fixed confusion in caching bytecode for scripts vs. expressions.
* Fixed hang in [namespace delete] with variable unset traces.
* Fixed crash following font failures (X11 --enable-xft).
* Fixed crash in [. configure -cursor] (X11).
* Fixed crash in [binary format x0s].
* Fixed crash in Tcl_GetReturnOptions() during finalization.
* Fixed memory leak in QD drawing (Aqua).
* Fixed memory leaks in [return -level 0] and [format %llx $big].
* Fixed memory leak in expr parser error message generation.
* Fixed memory leak in enter execution trace.
* Improved [clock format] performance.
* Better support for 64bit Solaris builds.
* New Tk demo: Knight's tour
Tcl Core Team and Maintainers
Don Porter, Tcl Core Release Manager