

Tcl/Tk 8.5.1 RC1

定より一週間程度リリースが遅れる予定だった Tcl/Tk 8.5.1 ですが、リリース候補 1 (RC1) tcl8.5.1rc1-src.tar.gztcl8.5.1rc1-html.tar.gztk8.5.1rc1-src.tar.gz がアップされました。リリースノートが整い次第、正式版が公開されるようです。

Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2008 13:18:35 -0500
From: Donald G Porter
To: Tcl Core List
Subject: [TCLCORE] Tcl/Tk 8.5.1 RC 1

...is available for your testing from


If you plan to test, please do so ASAP. I expect to make these RCs
into the real 8.5.1 releases just as soon as I can complete release
notes. That is, hours, not days from now.

| Don Porter Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division |
| donald.porter at nist.gov Information Technology Laboratory |
| http://math.nist.gov/~DPorter/ NIST |

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