

Tcl/Tk 8.5.0rc7

リースの直前(実際には SourceForge.net からリリースアナウンスメントのメールが送信されてしまいましたが…)でバグが見つかり Tcl/Tk 8.5.0 のリリース候補7 (rc7) が出ました。

Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 16:59:16 -0500
From: Donald G Porter <dgp at nist.gov>
To: Tcl Core List <tcl-core at lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: [TCLCORE] Tcl 8.5.0 RC 7

Thanks to Jeff for quickly fixing Tcl Bug 1854399.

No thanks to the absolutely no one who ran the tcllib test suite
since December 7, even with at least 5 RC available during that time.

Release Candidate 7 for Tcl 8.5.0 has the fix:


The other 8.5.0 RC files remain unchanged at RC 5.

I've given up predicting when 8.5.0 will go final.

| Don Porter Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division |
| donald.porter at nist.gov Information Technology Laboratory |
| http://math.nist.gov/~DPorter/ NIST |

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