

Tcl/Tk 8.5 tentative release calendar

0月15日付けで、Tcl/Tk 8.5 のリリーススケジュールが TCLCORE のメーリングリストに流れました。

いずれにしても、Tcl/Tk 8.5 の正式版リリースまでに用意する予定にしている「Tcl/Tk 入門」のページは、もう少し精力的に準備していく必要がありそうです。

Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 14:09:18 -0400
From: Donald G Porter
To: Tcl Core List
Subject: [TCLCORE] Tcl/Tk 8.5 tentative release calendar

It's now 19 days since the release of Tcl/Tk 8.5b1, so by the lights of
some ambitions, Tcl/Tk 8.5b2 is already 5 days overdue.

Since deadlines appear to bring out the development energies, I'm going
to draw some lines in the sand. Offered for comment is this calendar
to complete the stabilization of Tcl/Tk 8.5.0:

Release Date
8.5b2 October 26
8.5b3 November 16
8.5.0 December 14

Dates are chosen to have some time between them, so we can get bug
reports and fixes done between releases. A fair number of bug reports
for b1 have come in, but the fixes (and HEAD development in general)
appear slow in coming to me. Here's a deadline folks, get cracking!

Dates are also chosen in part to work around my own schedule
constraints, including a conference and holidays.

I want the octal change done for the 8.5b2 release. Here's where I need
to get cracking myself. I've got the patch (other than docs) done and
uploaded as 1805896, but still need to update TIP 114 to describe what
it does, and send it around for a quick vote confirming the opinions
offered at the conference. It was rumored that some packages or
applications (Expect? TclX? others?) might have trouble with this
change? Someone please find out.

I would very much like to have all documentation caught up in time for
the 8.5b3 release. Please don't save all that for December (or later!).

The gap between 8.5b3 and 8.5.0 release dates is longer than I hope we
will really need. In part that's to make room for the US Thanksgiving
holiday. And in part it's to make room to insert an 8.5b4 if we need
to, with hopes that it would not delay the actual 8.5.0 release (much?).

There are still significant bugs reported that really would be best
fixed in time for 8.5.0. Please do what you can over the next several
weeks to take some on.

And probably even more important at this stage, is the missing Great!
Out-of-the-Box Experience (GOOBE). Now that a target end date for 8.5.0
is named, take that as your deadline to do something to promote and
improve the experience for folks who will be trying out Tcl/Tk at that time.

| Don Porter Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division |
| donald.porter at nist.gov Information Technology Laboratory |
| http://math.nist.gov/~DPorter/ NIST |

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