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11 月 24 日付けで MinGW Project で binutils-2.18.50 がリリースされていましたので、遅ればせながらクロスコンパイラのパッケージの方も更新しました。


[Mingw-users] で流れたリリース・アナウンスメントを以下に載せました。

Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 21:47:22 -0500
From: "Chris Sutcliffe" <ir0nh34d at gmail.com>
To: MinGW-Users <MinGW-users at lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: [Mingw-users] Technology Preview: binutils-2.18.50-20071123

I've released a new version of binutils.

This version of binutils was compiled from the vanilla
2.18.50-20071123 snapshot. It was compiled with the following options:

./configure --disable-nls

make CFLAGS="-s -O2 -mms-bitfields -mtune=i686"

Recent 2.18.50 snapshots have changed the handling of section
alignment. Now, alignment is encoded in section header of object
file, the same as done by MS tools. This may cause some backward
compatibility issues with older libs that need 16 byte alignment for
SSE2 objects. Please report any such problems to the list.


Chris Sutcliffe

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